Saturday, November 15, 2008

Problems with Rush Limbaugh's Website

I have a friend who's very conservative and politically active.

Yesterday, we bumped into each other outside Richter Library and ultimately began discussing politics--this girl's favorite topic. After a while, the conversation got into Rush Limbaugh's radio show, which to no surprise, this girl listens to regularly. One thing stood out about this conversation and that was, she said that, though she's followed Limbaugh's show over the years, she doesn't particularly like his website.

So today I checked out the site and quickly saw what my friend was referring to. Everything about Limbaugh's site looks cluttered. Plus, there are way too many ads. Also, the main section tabs are very small and hard to locate though they're at the top of the page. Moreover, there are so many colors, which can really overwhelm your eyes.

I don't care too much for Limbaugh or his political views. I agree with some of them; with others I don't. However, I think if enough of his devoted listeners dislike the way his site looks, they should contact his webmaster so the necessary changes can be made.

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